how to create a free website and earn money (Full Installation)

how to create a free website and earn money EasyMag
Responsive Blogger Magazine Theme (Full Installation)
 تم وبلاگ  را از اينجا بوكس كابي كنيد
Magazine Theme HTML Box
(Full Installation)
How to Disable Broadcast Notifications Directly on Facebook

Kabul tech show you Easy Mag free  Documentation

Top Navigation

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Top Navigation widget.
در اينجا شما صحفه هاي تان را انتخاب مي نمايد 
how to create a free website and earn money Blogger
how to create a free website and earn money Blogger 

Social Top / Social Footer  در اينجا شما فيسبوك هاي تان را انتخاب مي نمايد 

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Social Top / Social Footer widget.
Icons Available 
مثالي فيسبوك هاي تان و يوتوب تويتر و غيره...
facebook, twitter, plus, RSS, youtube, skype, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, vine, stack-overflow, linkedin, dribble, Soundcloud, Behance, Digg, Instagram, Pinterest, delicious, codepen
how to create a free website and earn money Blogger
نشانه كرديم براي تان دوستان عزيزم 

Main Menu/DropDown

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Main Menu widget.

Normal Link: Post Layout

how to create a free website and earn money Blogger

Ticker News

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Ticker News Section and then add one of the following

شما ميتوانيد كه در ويديو هم استفاده كنيد 

Recent Posts: <span data-type="recent" data-no="5"></span>

Label / Tag Ex<span data-type="label" data-label="Sports" data-no="5"></span>

در اينجا براي تان زكر كرديم كه شما ورزش را مكر ميتوانيد هر مضمون را كه خوش داريد انتخاب نمايد 

how to create a free website and earn money Blogger

و حالا انتخاب ميكنم فيوجر بوست را  

Featured Posts

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Featured Posts Section and then add one of the following

Recent Posts: <span data-type="recent"></span>

Label / Tag Ex<span data-type="label" data-label="Sports"></span> 

شما بجاي سبورت هر مضمون كه خوش تان آمد انتخاب نمايد 

Magazine Boxs Layout

Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Box Layout / Box Layout 2 Section, and add the type of the desired box

Types { feat, columnleft , columnright ,  carousel , videos , gallery }

Feat: را باز كنيد و اين كود را انتخاب نمايد 

<span data-type="feat" data-label="Beauty"></span>

Carousel را هم تبديل كنيد و اين هم كود  
<span data-type="carousel" data-label="Sports" data-no="6"></span> 

خوب دوستان عزيز اين هم از برك بايان كه عبارت از 
1 Videos<span data-type="videos" data-label="Video"></span> 

2 Column Left:
 <span data-type="columnleft" data-label="Magazine" data-no="4"></span> 

Column Right<span data-type="columnright" data-label="Sports" data-no="4"></span> 
Gallery<span data-type="gallery" data-label="Culture"></span>


Access your blog Layout > click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript on Sidebar or Footer section, you must place the following codes highlighted in blue below.

Recent Posts<span class="recentposts" data-no="4"></span>
Widget Post Label: <span class="labelpost" data-label="Sports" data-no="4"></span> 
Recent Comments<span class="recentcomments" data-no="4"></span>

After add, click save.بعد از آن ثبت كنيد 

Social Counter

Go to Layout > Social Counter Area > Click on Edit > and follow this steps below.
On "New Site Name" fild1 field add Social Name [Social Counter].
And on "New Site URL" fild2 field add your Social Url.
Exemple: Only this Socials Supported !

facebook count=3.5k;
twitter count=1.7k;
gplus count=735;
youtube count=2.8k;
pinterest count=524;
dribbble count=7.3m;
instagram count=849;
rss count=286;


Facebook Page Plugin:

<center><div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="360" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div></center> 

Comments System

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Comments System widget.
Add one of the following provisions
blogger for blogger comments 
facebook for facebook comments 
disqus for Disqus comments 

you can add one system, two or three as you like and with arrangement, you want for example


Disqus Shortname

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Disqus Shortname widget.
  • What you have to do is just add the shortname

Theme Option

  1. Full-Width CSS:
  2. Add 100% to full width, to return the boxed version just add 1113px 

  3. Home Recent Posts Display:
  4. To hide the recent posts on the homepage add none, to redisplay add block

  5. Home PageNavi Display:
  6. To hide the pagenavi on the homepage add none, to redisplay add block

  7. Label Icons CSS:
  8. Add your custom icons, just FontAwesome

    Demo CSS
    a.Video:before {content:"\f144"}
    a.Car:before {content:"\f1b9"}
    a.Business:before {content:"\f0b1"}
    a.People:before {content:"\f183"}
    a.Nature:before {content:"\f06c"}
    a.Fashion:before {content:"\f0c4"}
    a.Gallery:before {content:"\f03e"}
    a.Technology:before {content:"\f1e6"}
    a.Learn:before, a.Culture:before {content:"\f02d"}
    a.Music:before {content:"\f001"}
    a.Sports:before {content:"\f091"}
    a.Children:before {content:"\f1ae"}
    a.Photography:before {content:"\f030"}
    a.Beauty:before {content:"\f004"}
  9. PageNavi Results No:
  10. Type your number for Page Navigation, Default is "8"

Full Installation and Customization

Background and Colors, see how to change the options in the tutorial video.

NOTE: To avoid errors in the installation must be done following the steps of the tutorial video be 


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